Monday, August 23, 2010


Well I'm talking about Strasburg for 2 reasons. The first is that I have nothing else to write about, but I want to write. The other reason, is that I'm a little confused on the plan on how they were going to play and not play him as much as the same pitching coach did with Kerry Wood (which basically killed his career).
When Strasburg has his first start the things that really needed to be talked about were covered by the pure hype of how good this kid was supposed to be. So nobody asked if they were going to keep him with low pitch counts and if they were going to not have him on a regular rotation. They were just happy to have him pitching this season and as soon as he started pitching.
Now he is on the DL for the second time. Different injuries, but this isn't looking good. If you are a Nationals fan, or just love the game and like the talent that Strasburg has, that is not a good thing. The thing that confuses me is the fact that they were trying to monitor him so that he didn't end up getting injured. So obviously they are not doing their job very well if this is is second trip to the DL. I really feel bad for this pitching coach, though, because if Strasburg does end up failing because he overworked his arm, this guy will be blamed for ruining 2 pitches who had great talent and who could have become really great pitchers.
In the end, I think that pitchers usually end up being better if they are unknown. That way the hype and the overworking and possibly some phantom pain ends up hurting and then you develop a real injury. So this guy who has had all the hype in the world and was the number one pick might have more people getting on his back if he keeps getting hurt.

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