First of all I'm going to sound like a girl when I say this one thing that I hate about both of them. That is they both look like hobos. If they didn't play pro sports and you saw them on the street you might feel the need to pull out some spare change and hand it to them. That's just ridiculous. Okay now that the stupid reason is off my chest, here are some good reasons.
I'm going to start with Brady. Since the day he won a super bowl everyone has thought that he is this great quarterback. Then he got hurt and Matt Kassel took the team to the playoffs. Didn't this strike us as odd that a guy who didn't even play in college did well with that team? Apparently we were too awestruck with his fantastic looks of which he has none. He isn't that great. The reason he is good is because he gets good protection and he throws the short pass well and works his way down the field. He also has good receivers. You put him with the guys starting for the Colts this past week and there is no way he would have done as well as Peyton Manning did. I frankly remember the Colts being in the super bowl last year and not the Patriots. Now that this year the Colts are down everyone is going back to worshiping the patriots? The professional anylists are bandwagon jumpers? Well, yes its true they will go with the guy who is winning games they pay no attention to anything else. Tom Brady SUCKS. Face it. You may hate me now and never read a blog post of mine again, but thats what I believe.
Now onto Pau Gasol at the moment I don't really hate him because I haven't watched him this whole year. I don't think I really have any good reason other than he looks gross and that just makes me want to hurl. I don't like hurling while I'm watching basketball games and maybe that's why I don't like him.
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