When Tim Howard threw the ball and Donovan got it. And then he gave it to Altidore. And then he crosses and Dempsey barely misses. I thought that it was all over. I thought the US was going to go home about 2 inches short of a goal. But, the ball was popped out and Donovan came rushing in and scored the goal. I went from almost crying that the US would lose to jumping up and down. Donovan the great leader of this team deserved to be the guy who scored the goal and was that guy. And yet when he was interviewed he didn't say one thing about himself everything he said was about how well his teammates played. He also forgave the refs that almost put them out of two wins. Saying, we can either whine about it or we can move on. And so we moved on and won the group. Donovan is one of the most humble leaders in this sport. He is also one of the best players, quickest players, leaders, and teammates. To me he is one of the best Americans to ever play soccer. Today he proved he could come through and he came through at a big time. He didn't let his team down or give up because the ball wasn't going in. He moved forward and scored that goal.
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