Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Legend of Hester

This past week Devin Hester set the record for most kickoff and punt returns. The greatest thing about it was that the kickoff before he almost ran it back and everyone was like wow he almost broke the record right there. Then the Vikings got the ball back and had to punt and then Hester broke the record. He had a great day. He only got kicked to twice and both of those runbacks were terrific. One of them was a touchdown and the other was almost a touchdown. That is just the ending of the story the beginning is much better.
Devin Hester came into the league during one of the best years the Bears have had since 1985. He actually was someone who helped the team achieve that greatness. During the "They are who we thought they were" game he was a major factor in the slick win. The whole year he was a great player and helped the team. He set the record for most returns by a rookie with no problem and then set the record for anyone in a single season. He ran back the opening kickoff of the super bowl, even though it didn't help the Bears a lot because they lost. Then he had his second year and he was slowed down because people realized they shouldn't kick to him. He still had a lot of returns, but not as many. The year after that he was taken off of the kickoff return and moved to receiver. He only returned punts after that, but he remained fantastic even though a lot of teams didn't kick to him. The year after that is this year. In a game against the Redskins Lovie threw in the surprise of him back at kickoff. He ran that one back a long way. Now Lovie has two players who return, making it almost impossible to anticipate what you are facing until the play actually starts. This probably helps Hester a little because it will catch everyone off guard. He is a factor again this year.
This year is looking a lot like the 2006 season. We are winning games and winning because of our defense and special teams. In 2006 a lot of our touchdowns and reasons why we were great was because of Hester and this year we are winning games thanks to him again. He is a major part of our team that we would be lost without. He is probably the greatest return man of all time. Usually a return man has a couple good years and then everyone figures him out and he is a goner. I don't think anyone has really figured Hester out. He just always returns well. I don't know why, but something about him makes it seem like he is superman and nobody can beat him. I don't think you can get any better than Hester. He is the Michael Jordan of returning. He came along, changed the game. He is huge for the team and is clutch. The greatest thing about Michael Jordan is that nobody will ever match what he done. The same goes for Devin Hester what he does and what he has done will never be matched. He should definitely be a Hall of Famer.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

White Sox Offseason Pickups

The White Sox have made a few really good offseason additions and keeping of people. The first thing is that they kept A.J Pierzynski (no idea how to spell that). He has been a leader of this team for years. He is one reason why our pitching moves so fast. He knows how to call a game well. Sometimes we get mad at him and those are the times where we put in Ramon Castro. But, when we need him he will be there and he will play well.
The next is that we signed Adam Dunn. During the end of last years trade deadline we were looking at him seriously, but we never ended up getting him. The fans were upset because we needed a full time DH. Now we have one because we decided to just sign him this offseason. So I guess it is true that if Kenny really wants someone he will get him. I think he will be a great addition to the team. We need that power in our lineup. Our try to become like all speed last year was a fail and we will have to face the fact that we are a power team. Adam Dunn will help us get that power along with the next guy I am going to talk about.
Paul Konerko resigned with the White Sox this offseason. This is the thing that made me the happiest. He is my favorite player and he is a major leader on this team. If he left, our team would probably fall apart for at least one year. Without him we are lost. We have no leader. Paulie was not only a leader on the field but also in the clubhouse. He is a much needed player. With him still there I think we can still call it the White Sox. Without him they are just not the same team. He is their identity. Their Derek Jeter if you will. We need him and without him you lose fans and you end up losing some games.
The final thing is something that just came up. Jesse Crain one the of the top relievers in the Twins bullpen is reportedly going to sign with the WhiteSox having just lost Bobby Jenks and having a week bullpen last year, this will be a good addition. The best part is that it is us adding a good reliever and the Twins losing one. Hopefully him and Sale (if sale is still in the bullpen) will make this a really good bullpen.
So, overall the White Sox are major winners in this offseason. I'm glad that Kenny realized we needed to make a lot of changes so that this team is a winner next year and we make it back to the playoffs. The people in Chicago really need one good team for once. Just kidding because the Hawks, Bulls, and Bears are good. I meant to say that people in Chicago really need one good baseball team for once. I know the White Sox have done their part by winning the world series, but the other team isn't doing their part so we have to take theirs also. (sorry but I just had to do it cubs)


Another blog about the Bears is coming your way. I'm sure if you are one of the people who reads this blog and isn't a Chicago sports fan you are getting tired of me talk about the Bears or the Bulls or the Blackhawks, but frankly thats what I have the most knowledge on. As I am writing this I am thinking that I should probably be doing a White Sox offseason moves and stuff blog, but I have already started this so I will have to write twice today. I guess this bad day is going to get worse. I'm just kidding when I write it relaxes me so this is good. On to the Bears instead of my psychiatric needs.
This week they play the Vikings. The last time we played them it was at home in better weather than we will be facing. It was our statement game before our real statement game. We won and it was the first game where Jay Cutler started to play smart. Playing the Vikings last time was our engine starter and hopefully this time it will be the same. We need a comeback from that New England loss, if we win and the Packers hopefully lose the division will be almost put away. We need to win this game and have a strong finish to the season. We will make the playoffs, I have no doubt. We need to make the playoffs in a strong way and have momentum behind us so we can win the first game and then just continue to be on a playoff roll. I'm not asking for a Super Bowl win but winning at least one playoff game would be nice.
So, winning this game is important to both winning the division and when we do win the division hopefully it will help us win a game in the playoffs. No matter what team we face they are going to be good and it will be hard to beat them, but we are a good team with a good defense as long as they show up. We are a good team so lets show it and prove to people that we can win, but just like the Patriots losing to the Browns we had a bad week. All teams do.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Least Favorite players

First of all I'm going to sound like a girl when I say this one thing that I hate about both of them. That is they both look like hobos. If they didn't play pro sports and you saw them on the street you might feel the need to pull out some spare change and hand it to them. That's just ridiculous. Okay now that the stupid reason is off my chest, here are some good reasons.
I'm going to start with Brady. Since the day he won a super bowl everyone has thought that he is this great quarterback. Then he got hurt and Matt Kassel took the team to the playoffs. Didn't this strike us as odd that a guy who didn't even play in college did well with that team? Apparently we were too awestruck with his fantastic looks of which he has none. He isn't that great. The reason he is good is because he gets good protection and he throws the short pass well and works his way down the field. He also has good receivers. You put him with the guys starting for the Colts this past week and there is no way he would have done as well as Peyton Manning did. I frankly remember the Colts being in the super bowl last year and not the Patriots. Now that this year the Colts are down everyone is going back to worshiping the patriots? The professional anylists are bandwagon jumpers? Well, yes its true they will go with the guy who is winning games they pay no attention to anything else. Tom Brady SUCKS. Face it. You may hate me now and never read a blog post of mine again, but thats what I believe.
Now onto Pau Gasol at the moment I don't really hate him because I haven't watched him this whole year. I don't think I really have any good reason other than he looks gross and that just makes me want to hurl. I don't like hurling while I'm watching basketball games and maybe that's why I don't like him.